Carnival time in Slovenia!

Once again Slovenia is flooded by carnival masks. Already on Saturday entertaining carnival events with mask parades took place in a number of places, and the merriment will continue until the burial of Pust.

As a tradition, on Shrovetide Sunday some of the biggest and oldest carnival events take place across Slovenia. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

Shrovetide, or Pust as it’s called in Slovenian, is the time of the year when the old takes leave, and the turn begins: the cold winter is ending, the spring and new life is on its way. It also concludes the past period, and announces the beginning of the new one.

The old people used to say that one should eat one’s fill for Shrovetide and anyone who doesn’t will starve all year round. It is the day for pork, and a lot of greasy pastry, buckwheat potica cake, bacon roll, and of course doughnuts and fried pastry typical for Shrovetide time. The times do change, but the old habits remain – including Pust doughnuts. It is something the merchants and sweetshops know how to take advantage off – these days you can buy doughnuts anywhere!

The Kurent is the most popular traditional carnival figure. (photo: Marko Sinkovec)

A few thousand people gathered in Cerknica, and Shrovetide figures occupied other parts of Slovenia, too. (photo: Marko Sinkovec)

The streets are filled with hundrets of carnival figures. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

In Cerknica, the festivities usually begin a few days before Shrovetide, while the main carnival parade takes place on Shrovetide Saturday. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

Each year, the masked groups, ethnographic masks and carnival floats present themselves at the Istrian carnival parade. (photo: Urban Urbanc, Sportida d.o.o.)

A wide variety of doughnuts can be found in most countries around the world but perhaps the best doughnut is to be found in Slovenia, especially at Carnival time. These doughnuts are certainly not small and nor do they have a hole in them – they are big, golden brown delights with a white ring around the “waist” of the doughnut. (photo: Urban Urbanc, slovenia.info)

Inside doughnuts there is usually a good portion of apricot jam that is inclined to deliciously ooze out over your fingers when you make your first bite! (photo: Urban Urbanc, Sportida d.o.o.)

The peaceful little village of Dreznica is renowned for its Shrovetide Carnival, one of the most enjoyable local events in Slovenia. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

Shrovetide is preserved in a very authentic form in the village of Dreznica. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

The main figures involved are “the ugly ones”, who chase youngsters and cover them with ashes, and “the beautiful ones“, who visit homes to receive gifts and to dance. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

Shrovetide in Dreznica and Drezniske Ravne has been declared an intangible cultural heritage of national significance. (photo: Matej Vranic, Fotokom)

All images above provided by Slovenia.info!

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