It’s Spring And Lake Bled Is Finally Getting Green Again

Spring is an absolutely wonderful time to visit Lake Bled because it is truly a time when everything starts to come to life! The snow is melting, the grass is getting green again, the flowers are blooming and the sun shines brighter and warmer. There is so much fun, excitement and beauty surrounding you when you visit Lake Bled in the Spring. If you are on the fence about visiting this spring, we hope that these two wonderful photos of Lake Bled from the Mala Osojnica viewpoint will convince you to make the trip!

Lake Bled in the beginning of spring, when nature comes alive and the sun shines brighter and warmer. (photo taken on April 26th, 2023 by Randy Lavorante)

The most remarkable view of Lake Bled is from the Mala Osojnica viewpoint. (photo taken on April 26th, 2023 by Randy Lavorante)

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