Ankaran Weather and Climate Information for Travel Planning

Located on the Adriatic Coast of Slovenia, Ankaran enjoys Mediterranean-style weather in the summer, with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures, as well as mild winters.

When to go – the best time to visit Ankaran
Summers in Ankaran are pretty hot and mostly sunny, with average daytime temperatures between 22°C and 30°C. There are usually almost 11 hours of sunshine a day in July and August, so it’s worth packing some sunscreen in anticipation of the fine weather and clear skies. Evening summer temperatures in Ankaran are usually pleasant enough to be able to sit on the terraces and eat outside. However, the odd summer thunderstorm can sometimes break up the sunshine during the summer.

Autumn is a nice time to visit Ankaran, with temperatures at a nice comfortable level between 20°C and 25°C. This means that it’s often warm enough to continue swimming in the sea right through until October.

The winter weather and climate in Ankaran is quite mild compared to other parts of Slovenia. As a result, frost and snow are experienced only infrequently. Look out for the bora wind, which is a strong wind that brings blustery and rather cold weather to the town. Temperatures in Ankaran tend to stay between 4°C and 8°C during the winter months.

Springtime in Ankaran brings with it a relatively mild climate. It’s worth remembering that March and April can experience a fair amount of rainy weather.

What’s the best time to travel to Ankaran in Slovenia? Here are some facts:
– The months May, June, July, August, September and October have a nice average temperature.
– July is the warmest month with an average high of 28,8 °C and an average low of 16,9 °C.
– July is also the month with the most sunshine, with 11 hours per day.
– January is the coolest month with an average high of 8,9 °C and an average low of 0,7 °C.
– September is the wettest month with an average of 118 millimeters of precipitation.
– December and January are the most cloudy months with an average of 12 mostly cloudy days.
– July is the driest month with an average of 56 millimeters of rainfall.
– January is the month with the most snowfall, with a little over 3 centimetres on average.

For more specific information about the climate of Ankaran, Slovenia, please take a look at the graphs shown below.

A climate graph for Ankaran, Slovenia showing mean daily maximum and minimum temperature for a month and average monthly precipitation (rain/snow).

Graph showing average monthly hours of sunshine and average monthly number of cloudy days for Ankaran, Slovenia.

Graph showing average monthly number of days with precipitation, average monthly number of days with snow cover and average monthly snowfall (in cm) for Ankaran, Slovenia.

Graph showing average monthly number of hot and cold days for Ankaran, Slovenia.