An Interview With Travel Blogger Aurelia Teslaru Of Daily Travel Pill

In part of our interview series, talking to some of the most prominent travel bloggers who have visited and explored Slovenia, we’re talking to Aurelia Teslaru of Daily Travel Pill to discuss her adventures travelling around the world and her experience visiting Slovenia.

Travel Interview: Aurelia Teslaru from Daily Travel Pill

1. For our readers who don’t know you, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you started to travel?
Hi. I’m Aurelia, a full time traveler, currently exploring the fascinating Asia. I love Sudoku, cakes and colors. That’s an unusual combination but there is nothing usual about what I do. What initially started as a passion become much more than that. I always loved to travel, even when I was still working a full time job in advertising. I took every opportunity to explore new places and learn about new cultures but I never expected that life will give me the opportunity to travel full time around the world.

Collage of places to stay in Slovenia

2. Please tell us about your travel blog Daily Travel Pill? When did you begin writing it? What makes it different from other travel blogs?
My blog was born about two years ago but I only started taking it seriously during the past year. After starting my full time travel adventure, I felt the need to share my experiences with other people. I started posting guides about the destinations I visited and stories about my travel experiences. I was surprised to see that people really love my blog and use it as a resource for planning their trips. I always share the truth about my travels. Travel is not always sunshine and rainbows and I think that my readers deserve to know about the ugly parts too.

3. How many countries in the world have you visited?
I have visited 38 countries but I have my 39th country already planned. I am going to the beautiful Philippines next. I’m really excited to see all the incredible natural beauties that this country has to offer. The plan is to visit 50 countries before turning 30 years old. Just 11 countries left. 🙂

4. Where are you currently in the world?
I am currently in Bali. I’ve spent about six months in the past year in Bali. It’s the place where I come to work on my blog, relax and catch my breath. I absolutely love this island and I consider it my home away from home.

5. How and when did you decide to explore Slovenia?
I’ve first visited Slovenia long before I started traveling full time. I was planning a road trip around Europe and I came across the beautiful Bled while reading an article on the internet. I instantly fell in love with it and decided to add it to my itinerary.
Bled is currently one of my favorite places in the world. The views are jaw-dropping, the food is great and it’s such a relaxing place to escape for a few days.

6. Do you have a favourite destination in Slovenia and why?
Bled is my favorite destination but I also love the Bela Krajina area. I had the chance to visit Bela Krajina about three years ago. I can’t believe that it’s not yet popular among foreign tourists. It’s such a beautiful and authentic area!

7. Any interesting experiences during your travels in Slovenia?
During my stay at Big Berry, I had the chance to visit some local farmers and producers. It was amazing to see that the traditional crafts are still so well preserved in Bela Krajina. It was an honor and and incredible experience to be able the interact with the local people.

8. Is there anywhere you visited in Slovenia that did not live up to your expectations?
Definitely not. I loved every second of my stay in Slovenia.

9. Did you learn any Slovenian words words while you were in Slovenia?
Due to the fact that I’m constantly traveling, it’s hard for me to remember words from each country I visit. Usually I learn a few words such as “hello” or “thank you” but then I forget them in a few weeks.

Places to stay in Slovenia's capital Ljubljana

10. Have you tried any traditional Slovenian dishes or desserts such as the Carniolan sausage, Zlikrofi or Potica?
Oh, yes. I tried the Potica and Pogaca. Actually, I loved Pogaca so much that I stole the recipe and cooked it back home several times.

11. What is your advice to others who want to visit and explore Slovenia?
Step out of your comfort zone and go visit some rural, off the beaten path destinations. Slovenia has a lot to offer to those who are brave enough to explore the lesser known places.

12. How would you describe Slovenia in one word.

13. How would you describe your travel style and what can readers expect when they visit your blog and social media?
I currently travel full time around Asia but I like to spend at least a few weeks in each country I visit. My goal is to really experience the local culture, to feel the country’s vibe and to interact with the local people. I’m a slow traveler. On my blog I write detailed guides about the places I visit, spiced with personal experiences. I usually travel to off the beaten path destinations. It makes me happy to discover hidden gems.

14. How do you fund your travelling?
If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked me this question, I could travel forever. Haha. The truth is that I fund my travels from savings. Before starting to travel full time, I worked a full time job in advertising for a few years. I saved up as much as I could in order to be able to afford this trip of a lifetime.

15. Can you imagine life without travel?
Yes, I can but my life without travel would be really sad. Travel is what keeps me alive and brings my inner child out.

Places to stay in Bled, Slovenia

16. What is your favourite place in the world to travel to and why?
This is a really hard question to answer. Until now, I loved Myanmar the most. In Myanmar I’ve met some of the most generous and kind people. Also, I loved getting lost between the thousands of temples of Bagan, exploring Inle Lake or visiting the biggest reclining Buddha in the world. Myanmar is such an underrated country!

17. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would choose my hometown Brasov in Romania. I love to travel but nowhere is better than home. Brasov is a really beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and with an incredible history. Someday I would love to move back there.

18. Have you visited a place that turned out to be completely different to how you imagined? If so, how?
It happened a lot of times! Sometimes I chose to travel to Insta-popular tourist attractions to shoot some beautiful pictures. Most of the times those destinations are packed with tourists and I have to queue in order to take a picture. Sometimes social media really destroys places.

19. Do you have a Bucket List? If so where are the 5 top places on it?
Yes, I do! The first on the list would be Machu Picchu in Peru. Since I was little, I was always fascinated and intrigued by this place. The second on the list would be Rio de Janeiro, followed by San Francisco, Maldives and Havana.

20. Please share a unique or funny travel experience.
I was just starting my journey in Vietnam. I was in Phu Quoc and I met a couple of Italians who were staying at the same hotel as me. After exploring the island for a few days, I continued my journey to Can Tho, about 300km away from Phu Quoc. While I was visiting the Can Tho Floating Market, I bumped into this cute couple. But that’s not all. After 3 more days, while I was exploring Ho Chi Minh, I met them again randomly, on the street.
We basically met 3 times in 3 different locations across Vietnam in one week. The world is definitely not as big as we think.

21. Have you had any bad experiences whilst travelling?
Unfortunately, I did. I got scammed a few times but I guess it’s all part of the journey.

22. Last but not least, what favourite photos would you like to share with us from your trip in Slovenia?
Thank you! These are my favorite photos I took while traveling to Slovenia:

Travel blogger Aurelia Teslaru from Daily Travel Pill posing at the Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia
Aurelia at the Vintgar Gorge.

Travel blogger Aurelia Teslaru from Daily Travel Pill posing at the source of the Krupa River in Bela Krajina, Slovenia
Aurelia at the source of the Krupa River in Bela Krajina.

Travel blogger Aurelia Teslaru from Daily Travel Pill at the dairy farm in Bela Krajina, Slovenia
Aurelia at the dairy farm in Bela Krajina.

Bled Castle perched up on the cliffs overlooking Lake Bled, Slovenia
The medieval Bled Castle perched up on the cliffs overlooking Lake Bled.

Mother swan and her babies in Lake Bled, Slovenia
Mother swan and her babies in Lake Bled.

Pletna boat called Barbara with the Bled Island in the background
The usual way to reach the Bled island is by taking a trip on the Pletna boat.

Bled Island with its Gothic church in the middle of Lake Bled, Slovenia
Picture-postcard Bled island with its glorious Gothic church in the middle of Lake Bled.

All photos © Aurelia Teslaru.

Thank you, Aurelia Teslaru, for taking the time to answer our questions and for sharing your favourite photos from your trip to Slovenia! Safe Travels!

Blog Posts About Slovenia by Aurelia Teslaru Of Daily Travel Pill
One day trip to Lake Bled – the ultimate itinerary
One day trip to Lake Bled

Published on November 22nd, 2018
The ultimate glamping experience at Big Berry Slovenia, Kolpa River
The ultimate glamping experience at Big Berry Slovenia, Kolpa River

Published on September 27th, 2017

Connect with Aurelia Teslaru

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 Scarlett Miers of Petite Suitcase at Lake Bled in Slovenia

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Mikkel Paige, one half of the duo behind the Sometimes Home blog, at Lake Bled in Slovenia

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Ida Ploug Pahus Of Live Life Fully Alive in Slovenia

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James Smith from Only By Land at Bled Castle in Slovenia

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Travel Interview with Aurelia Teslaru of Daily Travel Pill
Aurelia Teslaru from Daily Travel Pill at Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia

In part of our interview series, talking to some of the most prominent and interesting travel bloggers who have visited Slovenia, we spoke to Aurelia Teslaru of Daily Travel Pill to discuss her adventures travelling around the world and her experiences in Slovenia. At the end of the interview you can also check out Aurelia's favourite photos from her trip to Slovenia, that she kindly shared with us.
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Hamish Broughton at Bled Castle in Slovenia

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6 thoughts on “An Interview With Travel Blogger Aurelia Teslaru Of Daily Travel Pill”

  1. I’ve been to Bled and loved it so much, I think I would love Bela Krajina just as much! Such beautiful photos too!

  2. Such a wonderful interview! I went to Slovenia 2 years ago and spent 3 days exploring the Triglav National Park while based in Bled.

  3. Great answers and stunning photos! I didn’t know about Lake Bled until I moved to Europe, and now it’s on my must-see list. Glamping at Big Berry looks like my cup of tea.

  4. I did not realised how beautiful Slovenia is! I think I need to reggigle my travel plans for next year so I can add Slovenia to my travel list.

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